Setting priorities for Udimore
The published Local Action Plan has been produced by a group of residents on behalf of the whole village. A steering group was set up at the request of the Parish Council and has had their support and backing throughout the period of meetings and consultation exercises. The production of this plan has been funded, in part, by a grant from Rother Local Action Plan Development Programme and it has been endorsed by the Parish Council. The Plan identifies the following key issues for action:
A full copy of the plan is available here on the right hand side of the page. Click on the pdf document to open it.
The improvement of our playground by installing a new climbing frame, safety surfaces and bench, was an action achieved in June 2011 with financial support from Rother District Council (Community Grant Fund), a donation from the Udimore Arts and Flower Festival and Parish Council funds.
At their meeting on 19th September 2012 the Parish Council reviewed the progress of the Local Action Plan. A copy of this LAP review is available as a pdf file on this page.